In the USA, we’re getting ready to celebrate Independence Day on July 4th!
For most of us this includes parades, picnics, and red-white-and-blue paraphernalia to celebrate our countries Freedom and Independence. We enjoy these blessings because so many were willing to serve and sacrifice. For those who have…
What about the need we all have for PERSONAL FREEDOM & INDEPENDENCE?
As I coach my dear clients all around the globe (in over 30 countries now), I hear about the internal frustration, anxiety, overwhelm and stress they experience.
Quite the opposite of freedom, right?
This internal turmoil can be for a variety of reasons, but I know for a fact, the majority do struggle with issues such as: people pleasing, approval addiction, and not feeling good enough.
Maybe you can relate a little?
Golly-gee, I sure can! For years, I wasted sooo much time and energy worrying about what others thought of me and comparing myself to others…always, ALWAYS coming up short.
I’m happy to report, I’m in recovery – a Recovering Approval Addict. 😊
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