According to the TIME Magazine on,

the Top 10 Commonly Broken New Year’s Resolutions are:

1. Lose Weight and Get Fit

2. Quit Smoking

3. Learn Something New

4. Eat Healthier and Diet

5. Get Out of Debt and Save Money

6. Spend More Time with Family

7. Travel to New Places

8. Be Less Stressed

9. Volunteer

10. Drink Less


You say, “I want to get my business to a whole new level this year.” I say, “Why?” You say, “I want to get healthier.” I say, “Why? You say, “I want to get out of debt.” I say, “Why?” What makes this resolution, goal, dream or vision any different than the others you’ve made in the past?

For every mountain you want to climb, book you want to write, degree you want to earn, level of service you want to offer to the underserved in this world, the unwavering, full-out commitment to its success lies in knowing why you’re doing it. If we don’t know the “why,” the rest won’t matter because it’s just too darn easy to give up when the going gets tough. (Quickly reminded of this truth by some unfinished projects.)

The power of the “why”: Let’s say you want to take your business to a whole new level for a more secure future for your family (and employees’ families). Getting healthier means you enjoy quality time playing with your children and you want to be around to walk your daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. You want to get out of debt to free yourself of the stress, fear, uncertainty and anxiety due to overspending.

Do you see how the deep-seated emotions attached to the “whys” bring an entirely new level of courage and commitment to conquering and slaying the ugly “giants” we all face in life? If we don’t know the purpose of why we do what we do, we can never reach peak performance!

This is a good time for businesses as well as individuals to review and renew statements; such as your purpose, vision, values and mission statements. While some statements are clear, concise and relatable, others are so antiquated they no longer make sense to current positions, people and processes within your organization. If, as a leader or team member, you’re not clear on why you’re there and what your role is, you can’t possibly be working toward accomplishing the same goals, outcome and results.

This is also the exact reason we encourage our coaching clients to create a personal mission statement. The same principles apply for individuals and organizations.

Here’s my simple three-step formula for a more successful New Year!

1. Answer your “why.”

2. Get accountability (a coach/mentor/guide/boss/co-worker). Everyone needs accountability to get and stay on track.

3. Create an achievable plan.

Happy New Year with new levels of success!

— Award-winning speaker, author and “giant slayer” coach Joan Endicott works with individuals and organizations to improve performance, productivity and profit in business and life. Visit, or call 453-8056.


