I Don’t Have to, “I Get To!”®
By Joan Endicott – Author / Founder “I Get To!”®
Today marks the 13 year anniversary of a tragedy that changed my life forever.
October 26, 2001, was a sunny, crisp fall morning and as I walked Laurie out to her van, we talked about the difficult year she’d been through. I hugged her and said, “I love you and am so proud of you!”. “I love you back!” she said as she drove off.
About twenty minutes later, I heard the constant whirring of a helicopter. After noticing it was Life Flight, I decided to walk down to the scene of the accident. Upon arrival, shock waves hit instantly; I couldn’t breathe, my throat tightened and tears flowed as I saw Laurie’s van had been T-boned by a large truck. (No fault of the truck driver.)
I ask the policeman, “Where is she – the lady in the van?” He indicated she was in the helicopter.
The rest of the story is that she wasn’t okay. Laurie’s brain damage was terribly severe -she would never be the same.
For weeks after the accident, I’d spent much of my time at the hospital trying to help Laurie wake up and praying for a miracle. One morning when my alarm went off, I was so exhausted I just laid there thinking about all the things I had to do…have to get up, get my kids up, make breakfast, pack lunches, drive them to school…then begin all my have to’s for work.
I wanted to pull the covers over my head and not have to do anything.
Then something life-changing happened: I simply pictured Laurie lying in her hospital bed – unable to do one thing for herself or those she adored. If she could jump out of her bed and do everything on my list (your list ~ any list), she would have done it with sheer joy and gratitude.
My perspective transformed! I began thanking God for the abilities to perform the simple everyday miracles I’d just been complaining about and purposed to never say, “I have to” or I’ve got to again, instead “I Get To!”®.
13 years later, I wish I could say that since that moment of revelation and pure gratitude washed over me, I have lived every day with my “I Get To!”® attitude and perspective completely intact. The reality is perspective isn’t permanent. Mindsets need reset – continually. Every part of who we are: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, relationally – must first be attained, then maintained to be retained. That’s one reason we all need other people in our lives to help us stay focused on what matters and live the life we know we’re meant to. {For the entire story, go to www.IGetToBook.com to download 2 FREE chapters.}
I know Laurie would also want me to remind each of you that you are irreplaceable and to put distractions down and buckle up when driving. That would have made a difference for her.
Certainly crisis creates clarity on what matters most in life. Let’s not wait for a crisis to fully appreciate the people in our lives along with the abilities and opportunities we all have. When you make this simple shift in how you show up at work and in life, everything changes.
Award-Winning Speaker, Author and founder of “I Get To!”®and Certified High Performance® Coach, Joan Endicott’s mission is to inspire and instruct others on how to improve their business and lives and achieve their goals. Like her face book page for daily doses of fresh encouragement. Contact Joan for speaking, training and coaching: at Joan@JoanEndicott.com or call (208) 453-8056.